No doubt other things will pop up, but the first thing is the front grille. The standard Healey uses vertical chrome bars, which will either be horrendously expensive, or horrendously difficult to make.
The rally versions of the Healey are different though. They eschew the standard grille in favour of an exposed radiator. The radiator takes about 50% of the centre of the hole, and then there are curved sections either side (air intakes or similar). So that's the look I want to go for.
This means two things, finding a radiator that works in it's exposed form and fits in the position, then the curved sections mounted on each side. The curved sections are a dull metal, aluminium springs to mind. So I've been looking at salad bowls, mixing bowls, anything bowl related that is made of aluminum, and I've failed miserably.
Then I had an idea. Big old lampshades are the correct dull metal, and also nicely curved!!
I reckon a bit of planning and a sharp hacksaw will give me two appropriate sections, that can then be mounted on the side of the radiator. A bit of standard chrome edge trim around the mouth opening, and this will (hopefully) be the end result;
(Actually, looking at other examples it might not actually be that curved...some cars just use flat metal!!)