Sunday 8 September 2024

Finished two jobs

 First a quick one, the dashboard lights;

These look really good, can't wait to get them wired up and lit. I do need to get the facing plastic for all gauges and lights, to protect them. 

Now on to the bigger job, the radiator grille. This is what I'm covering;

This is where I was last weekend;

The next step was to do the two curved sides. A wooden mould was required to get the two arcs converted to a curved section;

Temporarily fixed and put in place shows that it works well;

Then I cut the mesh to suit;

That was evil, getting through stainless steel mesh is probably the worst job I've ever had. I started with a hacksaw, then melted a jigsaw blade, in the end it was angry grinder!

Putting it all together;

And a trial fit;

Some rivets and glue;

And then bolted in place;

I am so happy with the result, it's worked exactly as expected. A quick comparison with what I was aiming for;

And it works for me. Of course, as I was taking pictures I did wonder whether I need to open that bonnet nostril and use more of the grille!! Not yet though, that's just overcomplicating things. And I've never done that before...

So, next job? Fuel plumbing I think, so filter and pump, with wiring and pipes.

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