Thursday 25 July 2024


 The bezels are working well, I needed to do some tweaking but I've got some working designs for them. I still need to do the double bezel for the smaller ones but other than that I just have to print them out in ABS and maybe refinish the face to make it look nice.

However the two ends have been more trouble. I got the right curve reasonably easily, second attempt and it was accurate. But trying to print a curve wide enough just fails, the closest I got was 80% there before the print detached. ABS would detach even quicker, so that's not an option. So I need some other material that is curved to the right level, can be held at that curve and is thick enough to match the wood. 

I do have plenty of plywood, I am wondering whether I could get it to delaminate, allow it to bend then glue it back together with a curve. Soaking it in water would be the first thing to try, I'll give that a go tonight.

Otherwise it's back to trying to find suitably thin wood to laminate. I do still have the veneer I used for another project, that might work but I need a suitable clamp. Of course, I do have the failed 3D prints that might be enough. 

I really don't need much, it is just decorative either side. But I want to persevere with it so I don't end up with just a flat dash. 

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