Wednesday 24 July 2024

Gauge bezels part 2

 I'm calling it part 2 as I think I had an initial run with this, I just can't remember where it was. In any case, now that I have the wood face I can start planning the bezels.

My first attempt a while back was a 'P' shape, with a straight outer face and a lip on the inside for the glass;

This looked ok although it was very bulky, far more material than I needed. But it was based on the required radius. The problem is that while it had the inner lip for the glass, it didn't have any means of mounting to the panel.

Attempt two was a 'T' profile, with a lip on the inside for the glass and on the outside for panel mounting. This one was also a lot flatter, the idea was that if I got it under the 3mm limit I could have it blunted rather than having to meet a radius;

This was printed and it worked quite well, the only issue was the accuracy of my board cutting as it didn't fit.

Then I thought about an angle bezel. Here is a random picture off the internet;

It's clear to see that the front edge is wider than the rear edge, and this would work well for me. So I altered the previous one to have an angle to it, as well as shrink it down to fit in the hole;

It's only a slight angle but I think it could work. Then I realised two issues;

  1. I need to enlarge the wood cut out rather than shrink the bezel, otherwise I won't be able to see enough of the gauge.
  2. If I leave it angled like this, I can't get the glass in!!
So it's back to option 2, a straight edge. I do need to make it bigger though, and then trim the wood to suit. Then what I'll do is create an inner angled part that will give the expected profile to the gauge, the wider angle for visibility, and serve as a retainer for the glass. 

I'll update this as I go to make sure I have a record and to serve as a reminder for myself on what I had planned. My memory is like a... you know, those orange coloured fish things... so I'm having to write everything down. I'm also limited on print time, I have the printer in the office with me and it can be noisy for conference calls. And lastly I'm currently test printing in PLA as it's easier, but once I have the final design I'll need to reprint in ABS so it doesn't just melt in the dash. 

(later that day)

I created an angled bezel... and got it completely wrong. Too sharp an angle and way too small, it would have worked fine for the smaller gauges but no good for the larger ones. A quick redesign and I have the two halves the correct angle and size. This is how it looks on the gauges;

My only concern now is the overlap. Between the speed and rev counter I think it's good, but between the rev counter and the smaller gauge pair I think there's a conflict. Not much I can do about it now though, I'll print the smaller pair as one unit then see what needs to be done. At worst I'll need to print the bezel face as one piece for all three gauges. 

It's a remarkably tight fit between the two halves though, which is good. It'll keep the glass pinned but I'll still run a bead of glue in the gap to seal them. 

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