Monday 3 June 2024

Next steps: Rear suspension

 So last week the front dolly collapsed, I thought it was because of the engine weight but it turns out the rear one isn't far behind. It's just about holding the car up for now, but the wheels have dropped a few bearings and one wheel is really badly chewed up and hanging off. So now I need a solution for the rear. 

The obvious solution would be to build up the suspension and get the rear wheels fitted. This would show up any rear suspension issues (like I've had on the front). But the angle of the garage would not allow the car to come in and out very easily. Here's a few photos, first of the right hand side;

And the left;

This photo isn't overly clear, but you can see that if I took the car straight out, it would get to my neighbours drive before my own;

So what I need to do is allow the car to come in at an angle, which basically means I need to get much of the stuff from the right hand side of the garage over to the left. It shouldn't be too bad, I'll just push the car back a couple of feet then start moving things. It's an old school table that my wife wants to keep, the engine hoist and the welder. Then whatever is stacked up on top of those. I could in theory move the drawers and even the set of shelves that is set up by the door, but for now they're not in the way. I might also do some more tidying on the other side of the freezer, there's a bit of space but also several sheets of unused wood that could do with being sorted/stored/binned. 

Once I've rearranged everything, the rear wheels can go on and I can start taking the car in and out on wheels rather than on the dollies. Then I can watch the ever-increasing snag list get even bigger because something doesn't fit properly on the back. 

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