Saturday 29 June 2024

Unproductive day

 Well, it had to happen, a few too many good days and I was bound to get stuck. I'll at least start with a good point, the side indicators are mounted. That took the whole of ten minutes with a drill and file, so hardly a big win.

The main fail was the arches. The plan of making wooden braces to build the arch just didn't work, the wood was just breaking up and I was having to get it right first time every time. That won't work for a dozen or so braces, so that's off the board.

It then occurred to me was the centre bar, it really isn't adding that much. Sure, it was going to give me a rounded profile on the arch, but it was also giving me an extra level of headaches. So I took it out, and... it really didn't help. I still couldn't get the frame sorted.

The next option was foam, and while that would work for one arch, it wouldn't give me the reusable options to do the other four corners. 

I have one more idea though, hot glue and lollipop sticks. Similar process to the foam, but a lot less destructive. The hot glue might actually follow the shape I want, with the sticks to give it rigidity. It's a trip to Hobbycraft in the morning, for several bags of sticks. 

It was a similar thing with the gauges. I tried to have a go at getting them fitted, but then just couldn't get my head around how they're going to fit. I'm 99% certain I can't get it fitted in place. Even if I get them where they can go, I can't actually see them!! So it's on with the speed and rev counter, then the other two somewhere else. 

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