Saturday 11 May 2024

Lights and electrics


Doesn't it look pretty? Despite the hole cutting being extremely nerve-wracking, the headlights went on well. I've left the chrome finishing rings off for now, partly because I couldn't quite get them fitted and partly because I don't need them on at the moment. I need to get the headlights powered and then the alignment sorted. 

This picture also demonstrates how the grille will split into three, with the centre portion exposed and the two sides being rounded metal 'half of a lampshade'. 

So, on the subject of power... now that everything is in place, including cable bases, I need to get started on the wiring. The best place to start is probably the grounds. I'm thinking the following;

  1. Headlamp earths joined together.
  2. One ground to the left hand indicator/side, and a second to the right hand indicator/side. 
  3. Same on the back, two separate earths for each side of the car. 
I can get all that terminated on each connection, then run back to a screw fixing. I had planned on getting the earths put through the multiplug connector, but I am wondering whether a chassis connection would be safer. 

(Later that night...) It did occur to me that yet again I'm forgetting the side indicators. I probably would have noticed them when I got started, but the earths need to start from there and work their way round to the front. And I also need to get some terminators for the screw fixing, I'm not convinced I've got anything to hand.

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