Tuesday 21 May 2024

Wing mirrors

 Another small job...

If I was being over critical I'd say they're a bit small, but hopefully they're ok for IVA. They look nice though. The base is smaller than the cutout that was on the body, so I'll need to add that to the 'holes to be smoothed' list. Ooh, fibreglass resin, I might be able to get some at a decent price at the show. 

(Edit 03/06/24). Well, I was obviously a bit too enthusiastic with this success!! While the mirrors are big enough to satisfy the 80 x 40mm IVA requirements, there is also a requirement for a centre mirror that I completely missed. It used to be that you only needed two mirrors, that has now changed so the only time you don't need a centre mirror is if it would be absolutely useless to have one. So for example a transit van.

So I need to find a decent looking centre mirror to add to the mix. Not only that, but the fixing for that centre mirror will likely interfere with my gauge fitting. :( Thankfully I had hit a roadblock with that one anyway (see other blog post...)

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