Friday 14 April 2023

Interesting observation

 I've just been going back over this blog, to where the bodywork was first trial fitted. On that occasion it was the front panel that I fitted and took pictures. Here's where it get interesting;

This is a pair of pictures, one taken 'back then' for the front, and the other showing the current body panel. The assumption has always been that there would be a gap between the two panels, based on the wheelbase suggested by the creator of the bodywork. However this suggests that while the bonnet comes up to just short of the steering wheel frame, the body actually extends a fair bit underneath. 

This means that instead of having to add bits, I might actually have to trim the bonnet down! This is fantastic if it's true, as it's so much easier to take things off than it is to put things on (ask any barber!). 

So my mission for this weekend (if weather and wife allows) is to get the bonnet out of the shed and get it on to the chassis again. Or it might be to get the body outriggers sorted, then at least I have a known predictable base for the body.

Update: It's actually clearer with the 'straight on' picture;

You can see the bottom edge finishes halfway up the rail, but the bodywork actually ends up further along. So it's definitely an overlap, which is good.

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