Saturday 19 March 2016


Now the seats are in, I can put the steering wheel where I want. The MX5 design is very similar to the Sierra one, but the MX5 column isn't adjustable. So it has to be put in the right place.

A few sitting sessions got me a good position, then excessive use of metal and clamps got it locked in place. Then it was a case of cutting up and welding the three bars that make the front mount, a couple of flat plates for bolts, and lots more welding. Which got me this;

It's a steering wheel in the right place!! However, I had to consider IVA at this point. The brackets are designed to fail in an accident. The upper bolt fixings use the MX5 column slots, so the column can deform with enough force. The lower fixing is a u clamp, again it should allow things to collapse.

The top RHS piece is the same size as the Sierra one, but the left and right pieces are very different (a couple of inches longer on both sides). It did get me a bit worried, but the set up looks like other MX5 columns so I'm happy with the outcome. And I can get my legs underneath.

Next job will be the pedal box. Since I'm going way off the beaten track and using the standard pedals, I'm expecting a lot of design issues. First issue, which box of donor parts contains the pedals?!!!

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