Sunday 26 May 2019

Back panel change of approach

As you can see in the previous post, I changed my mind about the back panel. The way I'd done the tabs on the edges was only possible if you can manipulate aluminium like paper. As this is impossible in the real world, I've had to redesign what panels go where. Here is the middle back panel as it is now;

I've split off the side parts to make them up as separate panels. This changes a few things;

1. The transfer from back panel to transmission tunnel is now a fold rather than a seam, I think that will look really good.
2. The two side parts can extend on to the panels either side to provide a secure fixing. The transmissions sides and the car sides can then fold in front of them.
3. There will be a seam on the diagonal portion. As this is partly hidden by the back of the seats I'm not overly bothered, I've also positioned the middle panel rivets to allow the side panels to fit in the same place. The panel isn't trimmed to the centre yet but that can be done once I've got the side panels sorted.

Since all four side panels will rely on the back panels being in place, they're the next things to be done. But first... I need to grind down the stitch welds so I have a flat surface, there's no way a panel will sit flat on those lumps!!

Oh, here's the two panels ready to go;

And with the middle panel in place;

Assuming the arrows are referring to the grain of the aluminium, I'm intrigued as to how it will look.

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